Anxiety and health rant; weigh-in

So, a lot has been happening as of late. I’m still trying to figure out how much of it was in my head.  Though undiagnosed, I am quite sure I suffer from some form of anxiety. Let’s review this past week.

I had to run to the nearest corner store the other day. I was wearing shorts and a tank top, since its been 95-102 for a few weeks.. upon my arrival, however, seems the rest of this little city decided they were going to stop there too. I sat in the car, blood pressure totally spiked, starting to sweat, staring out my mirrors until everyone left. Yeah, I said it. I was afraid of children being brutally honest about my appearance or my thighs eating my shorts when I stepped out of the car and having to adjust that in front of people. It’s just stupid. I put a lot of that on myself, but experience tells me people are mean. I’m working on it. Nobody else out there knows I lost almost forty pounds now, so my 200+ frame is still undesirable, aesthetically. I can always tell when people truly don’t care and when people feel offended by my fat. I wonder how long this will take to wean the anxiety away. I shouldn’t care, really. I feel a lot better and most days I feel more confident than not, so I suppose that in itself is progress.

I also finally had my Doctor’s appointments I’ve been waiting weeks for. I know the torture of waiting for those appointments put me in a seriously weird headspace. Everything felt increasingly amplified as days went on. I went Wednesday (all by myself, mind you – it was not easy, I got so nervous and anxious I threw up all morning) was to see my obgyn about some lumps on my chest. He said it is inflamed breast tissue, initially likely from weight loss, strength training and… sigh….continued because of my poking at it. Yep. He said I probably didn’t notice the texture before because more fat was there and I likely could not feel it as easily. Told me that breast tissue can go as high up as the collar bone and up/under the armpits, which I did not previously know. So, ice it, ibuprofen if it bothers me after strength training and stop poking at it. Ha. I felt dumb, but he insisted always to check things like this out, especially when losing weight. Which makes sense. A lot of us don’t know how our bodies will function or feel like as we drop fat, especially when reaching unfamiliar territory. He said he will request an ultrasound anyway as my mom has had benign cysts in her breast tissue post weight loss. So there’s that. I feel way better and am on my way to less prodding in the area.

Thursday, I had an abdomen ultrasound appointment. I was pretty sure I was having gallbladder attacks back in March and April and since both my sister and mom had theirs out, I finally brought it up to my GP early June. Anyway, the tech, while reminding me that she does not diagnose and the radiologist has final say, did tell me that she didnt see any gallstones or kidney stones and all my organs looked otherwise OK. So, more good news! I will have to narrow down those pains, though. It has to be digestive I’m thinking.

Now if I can get the eye appointment down and the dental work going I might just pass for a suitable adult. We will see.

I can’t be the only person completely afraid to find out about their health, right? I did not have insurance growing up so we went in for emergencies only. I’ve had chronic strep and tonsillistis throughout my life, but that is all I knew before a couple years ago. I still need to go do bloodwork since we are keeping an eye on my LDL (168 in Dec,135 in March, normal range being 0-99, so almost normal) and though I know my diet has improved since earlier this year and I’ve lost a decent amount of weight as well, my #s should be improving..
. the knot in my stomach forms anyway. I know nothing else is out of range except LDL. So why do I do this to myself? Aaahh. I get like this when I have to call someone, anyone as well. I always feel better once I get going, it’s just the before, the leading-up-to. Eek.

So, the four weeks of waiting for those appointments took their toll on me in many ways. I worried myself physically ill, I lost sleep, I really lost my appetite and I didn’t talk about it like I should have. Those appointments could have gone either way and this time was in my favor. I am beyond grateful. My health is quite good right now and I am thankful; I need to calm my shit down.

Speaking of ailments, my poor son still has a case of summer spicy butt. It seems to be there for a couple days, dry out and start again. He wails during diaper changes and swats at me to stop. It makes me feel like such a dick. I know he doesn’t get it but I do try to explain to him what I am doing and why. I feel like he needs to know I’m not wiping butt cream on him to hurt his tuckus, it serves a purpose even if it’s unpleasant. I’ve also let him loose, well in the play pen, completely in the baby buff to air out along with baking soda baths. Once he starts walking it shouldn’t be so bad. Right now he only takes a couple of steps.

Well, that part was longer than intended. I did get my weigh-in done on Tuesday though!

Starting (2/13): 261.2lbs
Last Week: 227.5lbs
Current (7/1): 223.8lbs
Weekly Loss: -3.7lbs
Total Loss: 37.4lbs

Almost out of the 220s! Maybe I will actually maybe it to under 200 by my wedding anniversary in late October!  I hope so. One of my friends is getting married on that same day, so I will be seeing a lot of people I used to know in school and stuff. We’ll see. 🙂

Hopefully the decompression of stress will free up my brain for more updates and greater productivity.

In the meantime, here’s my little garden guys.


Cucumber, sunflowers, cat grass and Tomatoes!

Late Weigh-in and health worry rant

I’ve been super busy since just before Father’s Day! I’ve sat down to blog a few times and could never finish. Here’s to hoping this one makes it!

Starting Weight: 261.2lbs
Weight Last week: 230lbs
Current Weight: 229.7lbs
Weekly Loss/gain: 0.3lbs
Total Loss: 31.5lbs

Well, I broke the 230s, not by much but I did it! The weekend festivities didn’t get me down as far as bad food or anything, I just couldn’t seem to get all my water in (close, but that doesn’t count) for like five days. I could feel the dehydration and retention. So, I will take the small loss.

Now, I want to talk about something that is bothering me. Like, personal, scary bothering me.

When I went to the doctor last week, I made her feel a lump on my chest that I had noticed two days prior after taking off my bra and the area being sore (it’s mid way between my collarbone and boob on the left side). She agreed it was odd, said she would request an authorization for an ultrasound and that I should schedule a breast exam with my OB just to be sure. At the time, I figured it could be just a fatty cyst, after all, this journey has made my body do some weird stuff so far.

Come Monday of this week, I go to feel the area again. Now it feels like there are up to three little lumps and there’s this weird texture between them under the skin. There is no discoloration, the area IS sore and sometimes even hurts depending what I am doing when I am working out.

So naturally, now I am a little more freaked out. I couldn’t get into see my OB until 7/2. Then, today, I get a voice mail from a place with “Imaging and Oncology” in the business name and freak the fuck out. Like, didn’t realize how worried I was about it freak out. And still, the earliest appointment with them isn’t until 7/3 so. Shitballs.

I realize they still could just be fatty cysts, my mom had something similar and benign in her boobies a few years ago. They could also be muscle knots I guess from my son throwing his entire being onto my entire being on the daily.

It is, however, ultimately really scary that it could be something that I can’t just brush off. I can’t shake that part and my anxiety is happening in serious waves.

I don’t want to make a mountain out of a mole hill – but I also don’t want to dismiss the mountain just in case that’s the deal. I don’t know how to find a balance of worry and don’t worry ’til you see the doc between now and then.

I talked to my mom about it and she kind of brushed it off. My sister, though, has been totally on my ass, in a good way, about asking me who I’ve heard back from, ha.

So, there you have it. I’m trying my best and doing pretty well about keeping most everything else on track in the meantime. I’ve been tracking as accurately as possible on MyFitnessPal (drop me your email so I can add you!), getting my workouts in 5-6 days a week. In fact, I added lateral raises to my strength routine last week as well as a 8lb dumbbell to my squats this week. Adding in moderation.

I am really missing my family and friends.


I’m feeling nervous, maybe a little exposed. This will be my sixth entry and I’ve only just recently made all of them public. Part of me thinks maybe I felt like I needed to prove myself before going public, so to speak.

At least that’s what I’ve tried to convince myself of. Time to be real about my fears going into all of this. First and foremost, I was initially afraid I would lose motivation. Well, three months later, I am still working out regularly and making overall wise food choices. Second, by making this blog public, I’m inviting criticism. That’s not necessarily what I want (though I will not dismiss it if it’s constructive and classy), but it comes with the territory. Just like doubters and trolls and just mean spirited folk. I’ve been trying to mentally prepare myself for it. I’m making myself vulnerable by doing this and that scares the crap out of me.

I’ve always been a good person. We all make mistakes, sure. As long as we learn and grow from them we can remain and will be good people so long as we choose to be. I’ve chosen to be a good person and I’ve made my mistakes and learned from them. Sometimes it’s hard to take the high road. It can be mentally and emotionally taxing. I’ve been called every cruel name I can think of. By people I love (albeit there was a drug problem with that one, didn’t lessen the sting), by people who used to be my friends, strangers, etc. I’m allowing myself to step into that again and it’s terrifying for me. My emotional side thinks I’m nuts. My analytical side says it’s good, get past that fear. If it happens it happens, they don’t know YOU.

I don’t even have a following or a band of readers right now and I may very well never will. Who knows. I can’t sit here and be anxious about something I only ever really intended to be a place for me . Some place I could track my progress, rant, post recipes I don’t want to forget. A time capsule of what will someday never be again. It’s not for anyone but me. I need to remember that.

That being said, my trend this week seems to be facing fears. Not only on the fitness and well-being side of things, but also within some touchy areas & subjects with family. So far, even though my stomach has been in nervous knots, I mostly feel better about my braver choices. It feels good to be able to be real with people.

As Hubby always reminds me on Tuesdays(weigh-in and measurements), this journey will have peaks and valleys.  So, hopefully, I will have the wisdom and insight to enjoy my peaks and the strength to endure, learn from and conquer the valleys.